The Oakwood Wiffle League held their first Annual Awards Beer Banquet event at Brent Mackintosh’s house on the evening of Dec. 19th, 2008. Conducting the ceremony were League Commissioner Peter Berwald and League Scribe & MC Glen Cebulash. The members are as follows: Peter Berwald, Glen Cebulash, Brent Mackintosh, Kurt Mosser, Brian Simpson, Dave Eldridge, David Bush, Han Soo, Tim Baker, Damon Sink, & Ben Montague.
A sampling of the awards given that night are Rookie-of-the-Year, Highest ERA but Best Living Room, Best Wiffle Commentary on a Non-Existent Blog or Publication, Most Predictable Change-Up, and Worst Temper. The Oakwood Wiffle League usually plays in spring and summer at E.D. Smith School Playground on Saturdays at 9 a.m. Admission is free.