Hartzell among BBB Students of Integrity The Better Business Bureau, in partnership with the BBB Education Foundation, announces the winners of its Students of Integrity. This is the sixth year your BBB has recognized five Miami Valley high school juniors and seniors who exemplify high moral character. The award includes a $1,000 college scholarship. The Students of Integrity will be honored Tuesday, May 13 at the Better Business Bureau’s Eclipse Integrity Awards at the Schuster Performing Arts Center. The 2008 Students of Integrity recipients:
Lilian Hartzell
The other four recipients of the Students of Integrity award are:
Out of the over 80 local high schools receiving the Student of Integrity application, about 25 nominated students for this award. A panel of six independent judges selected these five outstanding students. The Better Business Bureau believes identifying and honoring young people for high moral character is vital to its mission of promoting ethics in the marketplace. Like the Eclipse Integrity Awards, the Students of Integrity highlight outstanding ethics. In bringing young adults to the forefront, your BBB is closing the loop on what it takes to be a successful and contributing community leader whether business, nonprofit or individual. “These Students of Integrity are inspiring. As our future leaders, their drive to succeed and be the best they can be point to a bright future for all of us. Your Better Business Bureau is honored to acknowledge them for their efforts. We applaud them,” said John North, president and CEO of the Better Business Bureau, Miami Valley. Meeting on teen drugs and alcohol April 17 Teenage drinking and drug use is an issue that is not unique to any one community, but impacts the lives of youth and families of our region on a daily basis…and costs our young people dearly in terms of lost potential, lost opportunities, lost resources and tragically sometimes even lost lives. What can you do to help teens make healthy choices and stay alcohol and drug free? Eight communities in the South Suburbs will join together to host a Town Hall Meeting to discuss this subject on Thursday, April 17 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Washington Township Rec West, 965 Miamisburg-Centerville Road (behind the Saturn Dealership at the corner of McEwen and 725). Teens, parents, teachers, coaches, youth leaders, pastors and others from eight communities are invited to hear: The latest facts and impact on teens...
Featured speakers include Hope Taft, former First Lady of Ohio and President/CEO of Leadership to Keep Children Alcohol Free Foundation, and members of the South Suburban Coalition…united for alcohol and drug-free youth. Fairmont’s High School’s Battle of the Bands winner Trinity Alone will also perform. The Town Hall meeting is being sponsored by the South Suburban Coalition composed of eight communities who have been working on the issue of teen alcohol and drug use for more than a year. Participating communities and school districts include Centerville, Kettering, Miamisburg, Miami Township, Moraine, Oakwood, Washington Township, West Carrollton, and Alter High School. The Coalition is currently seeking interested community residents who would like to work on specific projects to address five key areas: education and prevention, use and accessibility, accountability and enforcement, community involvement and expectations, and healthy alternatives for youth. For more information, contact Katherine Berg, 220-6600, ext. 6671. Rotary Speech Contest winners There were four winners of the Four-Way Speech Contest sponsored by the Oakwood Rotary Club. They were recognized at the April 11 Oakwood Rotary Club meeting held at the Dayton Country Club. First place winner Siobhan Tellez (11th grade) Left to right, second, third and fourth place winners: Nora Murphy (11th grade), Emma Couch (freshman), Michael Light (freshman). OHS Talent Show opens April 18 The first-ever Oakwood High School Talent Show will be held this Friday, April 18 at 7:30 p.m. in the OHS Auditorium. The show will include acts of comedy, singing, dancing, and many others. Tickets are $5 and can be purchased at the door or in the Senior hallway during lunchtime on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. All funds go to the Senior Class. Andrews Hall of Honor deadline April 18 The Oakwood City School District announces that written nominations are now being accepted for the Sam Andrews Educational Hall of Honor. Nominations must be submitted to the Superintendent, Dr. Mary Jo Scalzo, and mailed or delivered to the Board Office, 20 Rubicon Road, Dayton, OH 45409, by April 18, 2008. The nominee should be retired from school employment or voluntary school-related service for three years or more. Your nomination should include how the honoree has made “a distinguished and significant contribution toward the beneficial growth and education of the students in this community which shall serve to commemorate the high ideals that characterized the life and career of Sam Andrews.” Please include adequate back ground information on the nominee so that he/she may receive optimum consideration by the selection committee. A nomination form and information on the background of the award is available by calling Sandy Maresh at the Board of Education at 297-5332, or email at maresh.sandy@oakwood.k12.oh.us; however, submissions may be made without using the form. Military academy meeting April 19 Any students interested in the United States military academies are invited to attend an informational meeting hosted by Representative Mike Turner on April 19, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at Springboro High School. In order to be considered for a military academy the student must be nominated by an authorized source - the President of the United States, a Member of the Senate or the House of Representatives. Applications from Turner’s office as well as Voinovich and Brown will be available at this event. Representatives from all of the service academies will be present to discuss their programs. |
April 15, 2008
Volume 17, No. 16
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'round town