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Book signing at Wright Library April 17
Meet author Charlie Palmgren at Wright Library on Thursday, April 17 at 6:45 p.m. Dr. Palmgren will discuss his book “Ascent of the Eagle: Being and Becoming Your Best.” There will be time for questions from the audience, and he will have books
for sale that can be autographed. Dr. Palmgren is a co-founder, along with Kathy and Frank Hollingsworth of Oakwood, of Innovative Interchange, Inc., an Oakwood-based company that provides the tools and techniques to help leaders, individuals, and organizations change they way they think and conduct business.
The program will be held in the library meeting room. No advance registration is necessary. Cookies and coffee will be served. Anyone with questions can contact the library at (937)294-7171.
Author to discuss teaching the deaf
Oakwood author Susan Schaller, author of A Man Without Words, will tell her story on Thursday, April 24 at 7: 30 p.m. in the Great Room of the Senior Center, 227 Xenia Ave., Yellow Springs, Ohio.
Schaller tells the story of teaching a deaf adult man his first language and how it led her to other adults who were without language. That journey is the subject of Susan’s forthcoming book, Lives Without Words, People Without Language, as well as a 50 minute documentary made with Oliver Sacks and Schaller.
For more information, visit or
Entries sought for Oakwood Film Festival
The Oakwood Jr./Sr. High School Film Club will be sponsoring the sixth annual Oakwood Film Festival on Saturday, May 17, 2008 at 1 p.m. in the high school auditorium. Film age groups are: K- second grade, third – fifth grade, sixth – eighth grade, ninth – twelfth grade and community members.
If you would like to enter a film, the deadline is April 30. You can pick up film guidelines and registration forms in the high school or junior high offices. There is no fee to enter a film.
Turn in registration forms and films (DVD or VHS format) to the Oakwood High School office by April 30. If you would like to help sponsor the film festival, contact
Debbie Smith at 937-297-5325 or email
Spring sports writers sought for Register
The Oakwood Register is looking for a few students and parents volunteers to cover spring sports at Oakwood High School by writing a short story about the games each week.
Stories do not need to be “play-by-plays,” just an overview of the highlights and
win-loss scores.
Sports to be covered include track, softball, baseball and boys tennis, all on the varsity level. We also welcome junior varsity tennis and baseball and junior high baseball stories as space allows. Photos are optional.
Anyone who is interested please call Lance Winkler at the Register office, 294-2662 or email
Wright Library needs Book Sale volunteers
Wright Memorial Public Library is again extending its annual book sale to six days this year and needs volunteers to help before, during and after the sale.
Volunteers are needed these days:
Monday, May 19 – Set up tables and move cartons of books (muscles useful!)
Tuesday, May 20 – Unpack boxes
Wednesday through Sunday, May 21-25 (during the sale) – Straighten and restock tables as they empty and help customers carry books to their cars
Tuesday, May 27 – Pack any unsold books, put tables away, and clean up
Anyone who can help is invited to stop by and complete a Book Sale Volunteer Form, or download the form from the Calendar section of the library’s web site at
Oakwood community whole-heartedly involved during World War II
Most older adult citizens of Oakwood relate to World War II and have memories or knowledge of it, even if our children under certain ages defined as the “X Generation” don’t. Some fought in it, some lived through it, some have studied it in school, most have heard stories about it, even if they had to see movies to do so. But it was a different time and the nation reacted differently, with whole-hearted support, unlike any war since. What was it like in Oakwood? Several years ago, some of our high school students led, by senior Katie Malone, gathered support for framing and hanging a banner in the high school library commemorating the 644 former Oakwood students (with a blue star) who served in that conflict and the 16 (signified by a gold star) who lost their lives in it. The banner had been saved by former school custodian John Warrington when it was about to be thrown out during a remodeling. His widow was present for the ceremony unveiling it, as were Tracy Clare of the Oakwood Historical Society and Principal Joe Boyle. It was framed by Tom Hartzell, owner of Deck the Walls, whose cousin, Irwin Hartzell, lost his life in WWII and was one of the gold stars represented. This gave the students a chance to interview several members of the Class of ’44 who were having a reunion at the time. Present in the library were Cy Laughter, Almar Fraley (recently deceased), Rufus Jones and Bill James, whose brother Ted was represented by a gold star. Laughter was wounded in France and Fraley who was a prisoner of war, told of some of their experiences and answered questions from the students. What was it like back home in Oakwood in those days? Things were organized under the Civil Defense Council, headquartered in the city building, and directed by local resident Perry V. Shoe. It was a classic organization with a massive chart to affix responsibilities. Roland Keys was appointed Director of the Civilian Service Corps. which had 12 committees chaired by members of the community. A directory of personnel had 41 pages of 800 names of persons serving. Superintendent Arthur Claggett was in charge of salvage. The Recreation Committee was chaired by – who else - J. Mack Hummon. There were Rescue Squads, Air Raid Wardens, Auxiliary Police and Fire, Demolition & Clearance and Decontamination personnel assigned. A map of Fire Watcher assignments under Chief Robert C. Kohnle divided the city into 34 Posts,in 9 sectors and 3 zones, carefully balancing the number of houses among the 2471 houses then existing. Concerned citizens petitioned Columbus to establish a Rationing Board in Oakwood because the closest one was on Hickory St. in Dayton. In 1943, the Consumer Nutrition Committee held a “Town Meeting” at the high school auditorium, to discuss point rationing, school lunches and children’s food requirements. By 1944, the need for such an organization was essentially over so the Council turned its attention to the sale of War Bonds. At a community meeting, the quota of $225,000 was announced. One effort was scrap collecting which was done at six bins located throughout the community. Divided into three compartments and painted red, white, and blue, these were places where people contributed articles of scrap iron and nonferrous metals such as copper, brass, lead and tin, as well as rubber, burlap, and rope. Scouts helped by house to house canvassing and Earl D. Creager dump trucks picked up large items. Ration books were issued with Red Stamps for meat-fats and blue stamps for processed foods. About 60 points a month were allowed per person or 16 points per week. Gas was rationed with A, B. and C category stickers for the windshield of a car signifying what the driver contributed to the war effort. A victim of the war was the annual Thanksgiving Day football game between Fairmont and Oakwood which played its last match in 1942. Oakwood won decisively for the third time in a row, and having won seven times to six, with four ties, kept the trophy permanently. Many mothers probably regarded this as a small dividend of the war. There was a boom of interest in practical courses at the high school where enrollment increased in manual training, mechanical drawing, machine shop, and aviation ground school. Maybe some of you remember the Link trainer that used to sit in the downstairs corner classroom for a flying course. Wright-Patterson Field sent students to class in Oakwood using military school buses, increasing enrollment to 1340. Tuition was $79.28 per pupil for grade school, $112.16 for 7 & 8 grades, and $126 for high school students. Interest in academics continued even though some seniors were drafted. Classes numbered around 100 with a high percentage going to college. The Draft Board met at the former East Oakwood Club (now the Oakwood Community Center) which was vacant at the time. Because of the housing shortage, it was a widespread practice to take roomers in the houses of Oakwood without even a nod to the zoning restrictions. Modified stairways and entrances for access to spare rooms and servants quarters were common until about two years after war’s end. This was truly a time of patriotism, and participation in the war effort and local citizens contributed in every way they could.. |
Estate planning not an option – it’s a necessity
Once again, the tax season has come and gone and decent citizens are complying with local, Federal and State regulations. The average taxpayer expends about 35 hours a year in preparation for the April 15 filing deadline. Very few things in society solicit the level of debate as the subject of taxes. Benjamin Franklin stated, “In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes”. Little has changed since his time.
Payroll withholdings of FICA, Federal, and State taxes, and the quarterly tax estimates some make, are constant reminders throughout the year of an unpleasant task that awaits them annually. This fact of life has been debated by many, and some are asking for a complete overhaul of the Internal Revenue Code. If and when that day will come, no one knows; however, dealing with the Code as it currently exists is a constant challenge, which brings us to the point of this treatise, the Federal Estate Tax.
Why spend an average of 35 hours annually on the gathering of information for the preparation of one’s tax return and yet devote so little time to the issue of estate tax planning? Ignoring this fact can cost your estate hundreds of thousands of dollars. For example, this year 2008, we have the $2 million dollar estate tax exclusion. Any assets over the exclusion amount will be taxed at both the state and federal level with the maximum combined tax rate hovering around the 40 percent mark. In the scenario of a $3 million dollar estate,
the tax liability on the $1 million dollars over the exclusion could reach $400,000. Simply stated, everyone has a Will. It’s the one provided by the State of Ohio. However, you have the opportunity of planning your estate settlement according to your wishes and not those of the State. Today, we have blended families; his children, hers, and theirs together. No parent wants to unintentionally disinherit a child due to lack of planning. Also, setting aside the issue of estate taxes entirely, the guardianship of one’s children must be addressed along with the financial necessity realized by guardians and minor children alike. It takes so little time to make things right for the family.
If you currently face any of these problems, see a competent estate planning attorney who will draft the proper documents according to your wishes. Dividing an estate is easier said than done. Liquidity is necessary and there is no substitute for cash. A competent insurance adviser can work with the attorney in these matters. Two heads are better than one. An informative case study on the impact of the Federal Estate Tax can be provided upon request. Please feel free to contact Field Underwriters by phone at 937-439-2900 or email
April 15, 2008
Volume 17, No. 16
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