OHS Athletic Boosters plan PIT floor retrofit
Pictured on the floor of the Pit, left to right: Diane Scott , Past President, 2008 – 2009; Joe Dempsey, Current President, 2009 – 2010; Dean Harmony, Current President Elect, will be President 2010 – 2011.
There is a new gym floor in Oakwood High School’s future. The Oakwood Athletic Boosters Association has received the necessary approval to proceed with a three year project to replace the PIT floor. The old floor is 78 years old, in need of repair, and is no longer able to be repaired. The new floor is expected to be installed in the summer of 2010.
The new PIT floor is an Oakwood Athletic Booster Association multi-year project. The Association, in a unanimous vote last spring, decided to direct three years of fundraising efforts to this important project. The new PIT floor will be fully funded by the Boosters Association. The PIT floor project will be in addition to the Associations yearly donations of uniforms, Coach training, miscellaneous items and functions needed to support the Athletic Programs of the Junior and Senior High Schools. The PIT floor will be used by every student of the school system during gym class. The new floor will also directly benefit Boy’s & Girl’s Basketball, Cheerleading, Volleyball, Wrestling, and Open Gym Programs.
The new PIT floor is estimated to cost just over $90,000.00. Because the project will entail an alteration of school property, the process of receiving and awarding bids for the project is being directed by Mr. Kevin Philo, Treasurer of Oakwood Schools. Exact costs of the new floor will not be known until the bid is awarded in April 2010.
Construction of the new floor will not simply be replacing the old wood. The current floor will have to be removed, the floor will have to be lowered, and the new floor installed. The new floor will be of the most modern engineering design and will have some “give” or “spring” that is intended to lessen the impact stress on hips, knees and ankles.
If any persons or businesses would like to make a donation to this specific project, they can be addressed to PIT FLOOR, c/o Oakwood Athletic Boosters Association, 1200 Far Hills Ave., Dayton, OH 45419.
2 soccer scrimmages slated for Booster Day
The Oakwood Athletic Boosters will hold their 2009 Booster Day on Saturday,
Aug. 22. This year’s Booster Day will feature the varsity boys soccer team will scrimmage against a team of Lumberjack soccer alumni at 5 p.m. At 7 p.m., the girls varsity soccer team will host Vandalia-Butler in a scrimmage.
Admission is free and the concession stand will be open. Both games will be held at Mac Hummon stadium.
Who: Any alumni who played soccer at OHS.
When: Sat. Aug. 22, 2009 at 5pm. Please make sure you are at the stadium by 4:30pm.
Where: Oakwood HS Stadium.
Cost: $10 (This will cover the price of a t-shirt).
Uniform: We will provide a shirt. You will need to wear Navy (or dark) shorts and White socks. All alumni MUST wear shin guards. You will not be permitted to play without them.
If you plan on playing in the game you need to contact Kyle Duwel at kyle@duwellaw.com. Please include your shirt size and year of graduation.
If you know of any alumni who might be interested please pass along this information.
Student athlete start dates for the Oakwood High School’s fall sports program began on the following dates and times:
For more information call the OHS Athletic Department at 297-5342 or visit the Oakwood City School website.
Oakwood Junior High School 7th grade volleyball - Monday, Aug 17, 6-8pm at the Smith school gym 8th grade volleyball - Monday, Aug 17, 6-8pm at the Smith school gym Boys/girls cross country - Monday, Aug 17, 7pm at the stadium 7th grade football - Monday, Aug 17, 4pm at the stadium 8th grade football - Monday, Aug 17, 5pm at the stadium Boys/Girls soccer - Monday, Aug 17, 4pm at NCR fields Field Hockey - Monday, Aug 17, 9:30 – 11am and 3:30 – 5:30pm at Irving (conditioning starts on Aug 10 from 9:30-11:30am at Irving) For more information contact Randy Neff at neff.randy@oakwood.k12.oh.us or go to Oakwood City School District website. |
OHS Athletic Hall of Fame Banquet slated Sept. 3
The Oakwood High School Athletic Hall of Fame Committee would like to invite you to the 2nd Annual Oakwood Athletic Hall of Fame Banquet to be held Thursday, Sept. 3 at the Dayton Country Club (jacket/no denim) beginning at 6 p.m. Cost for the event is $30 for adults and $12 for children 12 and under. Social hour begins at 6 p.m. with heavy hors d’oeuvres; program begins at 7:15 p.m. Check in begins at 5:45 p.m. at the Dayton Country Club.
To purchase tickets for the event, please send a check made payable to: Oakwood Athletic Boosters Mail to: Oakwood Athletic Hall of Fame, 1200 Far Hills Avenue, Dayton, OH 45419 Please send check by Aug. 1, 2009. You will not receive a ticket in the mail. |
For more information, please contact Mark Hughes, Chairman, Hall of Fame Committee, at (937) 297-5342.
The following individuals will be inducted at the banquet at the Dayton Country Club on Thursday, Sept. 3, 2009:
George Neal, Class of 1931
Howard Blose, Class of 1940
Howard Sales, Coach/Teacher/Athletic Director
Tim Coughlin, Class of 1964
Katy Deddens Dalrymple, Class of 1993
The 1942 Football Team will receive special recognition.
Fall Sports Schedule
Click on schedule to enlarge
August 18, 2009
Volume 18, No. 33
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'round town
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