Alleged death throes aside – it’s great in Dayton
Before we bury Dayton as one of the ten fastest dying cities in the US as was stated in Forbes.com , let us remind the fact finders of that suspect article that they should have taken a personal look at Dayton themselves. They would have seen some amazingly potent survival traits - qualities, assets, institutions and organizations that defy the prediction of “death” to Dayton. Count our unique strengths.
What other cities our size can boast three outstanding institutions of higher education. – University of Dayton with its law school and research institute, Wright State University with a premier medical school; Sinclair Community College, one of the highest ranking community colleges in the country. Our illustrious history includes men and women whose inventions that have changed the world. Today, the birthplace of aviation is solidly planted in Dayton. Dayton’s repository of history, its genius for invention, can be seen by visiting Dayton History at Carillon Park, a well-designed adventure into the past that’s accessible, skillfully-organized and blossoming into a major tourist attraction.
Arts and culture thrive in this city. The number of cultural offerings is staggering. The Dayton Philharmonic, Dayton Opera, Dayton Ballet, the Contemporary Dance Company all are recognized for artisitic excellence. The Dayton Art Institute, as well as a growing number of galleries, exhibit works of not only of the famous, but of the large number of artists who live among us. The Schuster Center for the Performing Arts is known by artists around the country for the perfected acoustics and staging capabilities.
Five Rivers MetroParks consists of 18 area parks under its one banner, giving each an individual schedule of plans and activities. RiverScape MetroPark offers summer laser shows, winter ice skating, all on the banks of the beautiful Great Miami.
Just outside Dayton sits the Air Force Museum that draws a million visitor each year; and Wright Patterson AFB, the heart of the United States Air Force provides a mighty economic impact on the whole of Dayton and the Miami Valley.
All this is not to say that these benefits alone will keep Dayton healthy. But they serve as a base for making the city an exceptionally attractive place to work and live. The city, itself, needs help - crime, street conditions, safety, downtown patron- friendliness. We need competent city leaders who have strong strategic ideas for guiding Dayton, who won’t allow the flow of our businesses to leak out of our borders, or allow opportunities to slip away to other jurisdictions; we need to consolidate the many individual organizations, committees, government entities into one effective functional group working to build a resurgent Dayton. After all, the basic blueprint for a thriving city already exists. Dayton dying? We think not.
Dolores Wagner
Publisher, The Oakwood Register
Letter to the Editor___________________ Larger band room needed for OHS Jim Uphoff’s recent article “Music makes a difference when tied with Learning” (July 28) was most enlightening, even though I had previously known many of music’s attributes. The article brought to the forefront the fact that music is as important as any other subject taught in our schools. He cited the many studies that have shown a positive relationship between music and mathematics and language learning. He went on to state that one study had shown that music not only makes a difference as an EXTRA, but it is considered an ESSENTIAL element in learning. Oakwood is exceedingly fortunate to have an outstanding music and fine arts department. It is staffed with talented, hard working teachers, but even these fine teachers are under a severe handicap due to facilities limitations. Our high school band room and auditorium were built in the 1930s and cannot continue to support the expanding band size. The orchestra rehearses in a small converted classroom, again, totally inadequate for even a third rate school. Our current music program is a success thanks to these teachers competence and dedication. Compared to the music facilities in the surrounding communities, ours are woefully inadequate. If the crowded conditions are allowed to persist and get worse, as they are projected to become, then the whole program will suffer and decline. I am sure the residents of Oakwood are proud of their band and orchestra and have an interest in ensuring they succeed. As citizens, we need to contact our school board and superintendent to let them know that we feel music is important to the community and that we would like them to seriously consider expanding the current facilities. This project needs a community voice. Bob Black |
August 4, 2009
Volume 18, No. 31
front page
'round town
Amendment I Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.