Arrow Wine celebrates 75 years of success
Pictured, left to right, Malcom, Irving and Fritz Frank.
In 1934, began a liquor delivery service in downtown Dayton. Prohibition had just been repealed and the door was open to create a successful alcoholic beverage business. The three brothers set up shop in the Dayton Arcade with only a desk, a few pencils, a couple of pads of paper and a phone. Dayton residents would phone in liquor requests to be delivered to their homes. The brothers would run to the state liquor store, purchase the spirits, and deliver them for a minimal charge. The name “Arrow” was chosen by Irv’s wife, Jane, because an arrow represents speed and accuracy.
With the success and popularity of the concept, demand grew for more “home entertainment” products. The brothers decided to go retail. Arrow Wine flourished into a five-store operation primarily situated in downtown Dayton and areas to the north. The Kettering store (current location) was opened in the 1950’s and the Centerville store (current location) opened in the early 70’s when St. Rte 725 was a two-lane country road. This at the time was considered a huge risk but as that area began to grow, business realy took off. With the two current locations, Arrow still provides delivery service all over the Miami Valley and first class customer inside the stores.
Arrow Wine continues its family ownership, with the third generation set to take charge. Mike Frank (Irv’s son) and Denny Freyvogel (Irv’s son-in-law) still oversee the business while Mif Frank and Beth Freyvogel await their turns. While dedicated family leadership has been successful, many long-term key employees over the years have contributed to Arrow’s success.
Seventy five years makes Arrow Wine one of Dayton’s oldest locally-owned and operated businesses. Plans for expansion are always a hot topic, having drawn interest from developers in the Columbus and Cincinnati/ West Chester areas.
Sister City Association meeting a success
Members of the Sister City Association of Oakwood.
The Sister City Association of Oakwood held its first general meeting and membership drive on Sunday, March 15 in the Wright Library conference room. Present were eighteen members, including officers and committee chairs. Past-President and Interim Treasurer Bob Hitchcock was honored for his 33 years of service to Oakwood Sister Cities, and shared his memories of a funny cultural incident in Le Vésinet during their Fête de la Marguérite celebration. What a hoot! Anyone who would like to represent Oakwood at Le Vésinet’s next annual festival on
June 19-22 should contact In addition to receiving the generous hospitality of our twin city residents, Oakwood representatives would be treated to a musical celebration featuring hunting horns.
Scheduled Sister City fundraising and awareness events include planting a tree for Arbor Day, riding in a float during the That Day in May parade, a chocolate tasting, a stand at Kettering’s Spassnacht celebration at the Fraze, a Bastille Day party, the Ice Cream Social, a survival French lesson, a membership banquet, building a scarecrow for Scarecrow Row and a Christmas party.
We are currently looking for three Oakwood families to host students from Le Vésinet this summer, for three weeks. In addition, students from Oakwood would be welcome to apply for the chance to spend three weeks with a host family in Le Vésinet. All families are thoroughly vetted. If you are interested in hosting a child or spending time in one of our sister cities, please write to the above e-mail address so we can forward an application.
Henninger makes waves at Purdue
2006 Oakwood High School graduate and 2005 100 freestyle state champion Leah Henninger scored at the 2009 Big 10 Swimming Championship Meet held on Feb. 18-21 at the University of Michigan. Leah, a junior at Purdue University captured 13th place in the 100-yard freestyle wit a best time of 50:09. She also placed 16th in the 200-yard freestyle with a time of 1:48:44. Leah anchored the 200, 400 and 800-yard free relay teams with the 400 and 800 relays, setting new Purdue varsity records. The Purdue team placed sixth overall this year.
Leah is co-captain of the 2008-09 women’s swim team and has been Academic All-Big Ten since 2007. Leah received the 2008 Durham Brothers Leadership Award for exhibiting exceptional leadership skills in competition and her personal life. Special team awards include Most Improved in 2007 and the Purdue Pride in Swimming in 2008.
Leah has been on the Dean’s List since 2006 and Athletic Director’s Honor Roll since 2007. She is majoring in Political Science with a minor in Spanish. The women’s swim team was awarded the President’s Cup in the spring of 2008 for having the highest grade-point average of all Boilermaker’s athletics.
Season highlights include first place swims in the 200-yard freestyle at the Florida Atlantic and the Michigan State meets. Leah earned a first place swim in the 100-yard freestyle at Michigan State. She placed second in the 100-yard freestyle at the Florida Atlantic and in the 200-yard freestyle at the IU meet. Leah holds the 2008-09 Purdue top times in the 100 and 200-yard freestyle and second overall fastest in both events.
Gymnast Extraordinaire
Oakwood Jr. High School eighth grader Hannah Warwar competed at the Kalahari Invite 2009 in Sandusky, Ohio on Friday, March 6.
She won first place All Around with a score of 36.775 in the 13-year-old age group of Level 7 gymnasts.
She has been with the Tops Gymnastics Team of Centerville for six years.
She is the daughter of Sam and Sherry Warwar.
OHS senior earns Eagle Scout rank
Oakwood High School senior and member of Boy Scout Troop 72 Ryan Grilliot received the rank of Eagle on Feb. 28, 2009 at the First Presbyterian Church in Fairborn. For those unfamiliar with this achievement, the rank of Eagle is the highest honor bestowed upon a Boy Scout during their career and is recognized highly by many colleges, businesses, and organizations. To receive this rank, Ryan had to fulfill many tasks, earn merit badges encouraging life saving skills, and carry out an Eagle Project to benefit the community. Ryan’s Eagle project consisted of spreading 600 cubic feet of mulch over a mile long path at the Oakes Quarry Park in Fairborn, Ohio.
Ryan is a local senior who is a teen volunteer at Wright Memorial Public Library and for the Dayton Bahá’í Center. He has contributed over 200 hours of community service since joining Troop 72 (Fairborn) in 2002 and continues his service to the community after reaching this landmark point in his life. He helps with children’s programs at the Bahá’í Center and teaches virtue classes to the young kids that attend the programs.
He helps Wright Library with many programs from shelving book to assisting librarians during summer programs. Ryan’s record of community service is outstanding by even a Boy Scout’s standard and he plays an active role in his youth group as an adult leader.
Ryan is a part of a youth group called Teens After Dark or TAD for short. TAD is a Bahá’í youth group that teaches teens that they can have fun while learning core religious values. The group has a wide membership spanning from Columbus to Cincinnati and has accomplished many outstanding feats. One such feat was biking 611 miles from Cincinnati to Niagara Falls in Canada to raise awareness of the plight of Bahá’í kids in Iran that are being persecuted for their religion. All along this trip the kids went to many cities teaching people about this subject and had many experiences that left profound marks on their lives.
The group get together monthly in Blanchester, Ohio and Ryan has become one of the adult leaders of the group, using the leadership experiences from Boy Scouts and his Eagle Project.
Top Rope Jumper for the Heart fundraiser
Emma and Allison jumping rope and fundraising.
Every year, millions of people die because of heart disease and stroke. Millions of families live difficult lives because of heart disease and stroke. Many physicians, scientists and health advocates – as well as families - benefit from the support of the American Heart Association.
For nine years, Harman and Smith schools have hosted fundraisers for the AHA. Oakwood residents and many extended family members have responded to the children’s requests for sponsors for the Jump Rope for Heart events. Their responses have contributed more than $100,000 to the American Heart Association. The schools have offered the program, PE teachers have coordinated the events and Oakwood has supported the event every year.
Emma has been the top fundraiser for five years. Every year has she raised more and more, bringing in $1,700 this year!! Her family lives with heart disease and she decided to take countless steps to address that reality by asking friends, families and neighbors to make donations to the American Heart Association.
Locks of Love
Maison and with stylist, Sarah Preston.
Maison, a third grader at Harman Elementary, knows what it’s like to watch someone you love go through chemotherapy and loose their hair. A couple years ago Maison’s aunt and was diagnosed with breast cancer and that was her inspiration.
Maison decided to grow her hair long so she could donate it to Locks of Love, an organization that creates wigs for cancer patients. It took three years to reach the goal of ten inches and for Valentine’s Day she visited Affinity Salon and Day Spa in Centerville for the much anticipated haircut.
Stylist, Sarah Preston, pictured at right with Maison, who’s own mother passed away of cancer, graciously gave Maison a complimentary haircut and sent it to Locks of Love. She said, “This is a truly special thing for a child to do.” Maison loved her experience and is planning on growing her hair long to do it again. Sarah sent her a lovely postcard that said “I’m sure you will make a child’s day!”
Maison’s mother, Annette White, said “Maison just wanted to help a child like the children she had seen on television and by doing so she touched the lives of everyone around her and Sarah was amazing too.”
Old friends re-unite
The Papadis Family spent a fun-filled day at Orlando Sea World with the Wharton Family who moved to sunny Jacksonville, Florida over the summer.
Pictured left to right: Zoe Papadis, Jack Wharton, Elle Papadis, Sofia Wharton and Gabrielle Wharton.
Re: earmarks, pork barrels and boondoggles
This column involves pork - not the kind you buy at your neighborhood grocery store, but the kind you pay for as a taxpayer as a result of devious and surreptitious actions taken in Congress.
The usual course for a bill becoming a law is that said bill is introduced by a congressman. Next the bill goes to a committee. For example, a bill involving banks is referred to the banking committee. The committee studies the provisions of the bill and sometimes calls in witnesses to testify. Next, the committee either approves or disapproves the bill. If approved, the bill then goes back to the Senate or House as the case may be, for debate and final action.
Unfortunately, a practice has developed called “pork” or “earmarks.” Under this system congressmen can add provisions to the bill for their pet projects without going through the usual committee process and debate. You can smell Congressional “pork” from a mile away. The money is “earmarked” for the state or district of the offending congressman. The idea is that the money brought to the home state or district translates into votes for the congressman and thus his return to Congress where the practice continues.
No doubt you are acquainted with some of the ridiculous pork that has been foisted on taxpayers by Congress. These are called “boondoggles” which the dictionary describes as “an unnecessary or wasteful project or activity.” The description of some of the boondoggles can have a disagreeable effect on one like fingernails dragging across a blackboard.
If you subscribe to Readers Digest, please take a look at the February issue. On page 49 there is an article entitled “Pushing Pork”. It points out that “Wasteful spending was a hot topic during the campaign, but on Capitol Hill, it’s worse than ever.”
Here are some examples of recent pork set forth in Readers Digest:
$2 million for the University of Alaska to study animal hibernation. (Alaska Senator, Ted Stevens.)
$40 million to expand a training center for federal customs and border agents. The Bush Administration said it didn’t need the money. (W.V. Senator Robert Byrd.)
$58 million for a Cold War-era nuclear submarine to be built in Connecticut – money the Pentagon said could be better used elsewhere.
Representative James Clyburn of South Carolina finagled $3 million for a youth summer program at a golf center that bears his name.
$123,000 for a Mothers Day shrine in Grafton, West Virginia.
$295,000 for an International Peace Garden in Dunsesith, North Dakota (population 739).
$500,000 for a teapot museum in North Carolina.
The Readers Digest continues: “During the 2009 budget season, the House Appropriations Committee received so many earmark requests - 23,438 of them - that its Web page crashed. In the end, Congress designated 11,610 earmarked projects for this year, at a cost of $172.2 billion, the second-highest amount in almost two decades.”
Congress is now considering a $410 billion dollar Omnibus Spending Bill. A guest on a recent Sean Hannity program found 9,000 earmarks in it. Here are a few:
$143,000 for a Las Vegas historical museum.
$190,000 for a buffalo history study.
$200,000 for tattoo removals. (My personal thought: anyone stupid enough to make a human billboard of himself should use his own money to have it removed! Don’t tax me for it.)
$1.762 million for a study of honeybees.
$2.192 million for a study of the genetics of grapes.
$321,000 for a study of shellfish.
$2 million for astronomy promotion.
$500,000 for a study of foot odor.
$8,000 for catfish genetics.
The total of the 9,000 earmarks by Hannity’s guest is $8 billion.
John McCain in all his years in congress hasn’t taken earmarks nor has House Minority Leader, John Boehner. During the campaign McCain said as president he would turn the spotlight on earmarks.” “I will make them (Porkers) famous and you will know their names.” President Barack Obama agreed that “spending on screwy things needs to be eliminated.” At the same time he softened his position pointing out that earmarks make up less than one percent of the total federal budget. Do you think you can trust Obama to eliminate earmarks? If Obama is serious about eliminating earmarks he can and should veto any bill containing earmarks.
During the campaign John McCain, Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama all agreed that there should be a one year moratorium on earmarks. The idea went down in flames in the Senate with a vote of 29-71.
What can you do to eliminate pork? First, write your Congressmen and tell them your thoughts about pork as a taxpayer. Second, go to Citizens Against Government Waste on your computer. The Internet address is
March 17, 2009
Volume 18, No. 11
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