Veteran’s Day at Smith School pays tribute Air Force Major Eric Hick holds his son Jack while waiting to hear his older son Connor (Smith School second grader) help lead the Pledge of Allegiance during the Veteran’s Day celebration. Air Force Tech Sgt. Eric Knorr played “The Star Spangled Banner” and “Taps” at the Smith School Veteran’s Day Celebration. Chilly temperatures did not dampen the enthusiasm of those in attendance at the Smith School Veteran’s Day celebration last Tuesday, Nov. 11. Students, faculty, parents and friends gathered on the front lawn of the school at 2:15 pm to pay tribute to all war veterans, especially those in attendance. Two special guest Smith parents/servicemen were on hand to present principal Nance Bradds with American flags that were flown in Iraq during their recent tours of duty there. Army Lt. Col. Eric Fester (father of Smith students Alexandra and Nathan) and Army Lt. Col. John Cairney (father of Smith students Lily and Hannah) both spoke briefly about their experiences in Iraq before making their presentations to Bradds. A third special guest, Air Force Tech Sgt. Eric Knorr, was on hand to In addition to the special military guests, more than 25 Smith School students helped with various aspects of the ceremony, including raising the flag, reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, reading poems and providing special music. School Board________________________________ In regular business at the meeting, the board accepted the resignation/retirement of its director of educational services, Kathy Bartalo, effective this Dec. 31. Bartalo has “She has served with great expertise. She’s been a wonderful advocate to the students of this district,” said Dr. Scalzo. Bartalo will be succeeded by Pamela Taiclet, who begins her job effective Jan. 5. Taiclet has been a principal for BeavercreekSchools for nine years, prior to which she served as a special education teacher and supervisor, and a school counselor. She holds an administrative license, in addition to a degree in counseling from the University of Dayton and a degree in special education from Miami University. The board also appointed Allyson Couch as new principal of Harman Elementary, effective Jan. 5. Couch, who replaces Ed Bowman, has been a principal for Carlisle Schools for six years. “I have every confidence that she is ‘the one.’ (She) was very clear about her belief that every decision must be based upon doing what’s best for students. She also understands that success does not always look the same for every students,” said Scalzo. Also approved was the employment of Kelly Gleason as an aide at Smith School, effective on Nov. 3. She holds an elementary education degree from Cedarville University, and has taught first and second grade for four years in Pennsylvania. She has also been working as an educational specialist at South Connection/Lange Elementary School for the past year.” “It has made for an easy transition because I already knew half the kids,” said Gleason of her experience with South Connection. Among commendations, the board recognized the following: *Students and staff who participated in the 2008 Greater Dayton Conference on Youth in October. Students included (from Harman) Mark Mumford, Ben Cannon, Ally Ross, Dylan Dunham, Megan Jones, Gracie Fultz, (from Smith) Hayden Peake, Emily cobb, Alex Fester, Sam Worley, Christopher Anderson, Cassidy Fry, Jacob Reed, Jacob Kordik, Carl Popp, Jr., Robert Popp, (from the junior high) Aric Analoague, Janie Behnke, Carly Sobol, Kaitlyn Edwards, Natalie Draper, Conor Woodie, Drew Connally, Anthony Anderson, (from the high school) Joey Lefforge, Olivia Reasoner, Christina Borchers, David Holdren, Wil Reece, Dan Edwards, Madeleine Lehrner, Karen Mueller, Adam Sobol, Lyndsie Daiger, Zac Harmony and Molly Woodhull. Staff included Dr. Scalzo, Nance Bradds, Shawn Fry, Mary Kay Buffington, Marsha Flannery, Peggy Holton, Sarah Martin, Chris Tipton, Kelly Owens, Matt Salyer and Marsha Flannery. The Oakwood Board of Education will hold its next regular meeting Dec. 8, 7:30 p.m. at the central office. Warwar awarded Denison University scholarship
The Tyree/Parajon Scholarship approximates one-half tuition and
November 18, 2008
Volume 17, No. 47
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