Beggar’s Night in Oakwood will be held on Thursday, Oct. 30 from 6-8pm. As in the past, the mayors and managers from surrounding communities have chosen this date.
On Sunday, Oct. 26 at 2 p.m., teens and a parent or adult mentor can come to Wright Library to make Halloween masks and costumes to take home. Snacks and supplies provided. Registration is required one week in advance.
For more information or to register, please contact the Youth Services Department at 294-717
It’s time for Oakwood Giving’s Annual Trick-or-Treat For Canned Goods. Please leave donations of nonperishable or canned food items out on your front porch on Sunday, Oct. 26.
Oakwood Giving members will come between 4 – 7 p.m. to collect the goods and donate them to Holiday Aid, a local homeless shelter.
The Oakwood Historical Society will hold a garage sale on Saturday, Oct. 25 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. The sale will take place at the historical society’s Homestead at
1947 Far Hills Ave., just north of the Shops of Oakwood.
The Historical Society has completed Phase I of their homestead restoration project, and they are ready to clean out items that cannot be used in the historic museum. Items include a brass headboard, 1920s dining room table, many framed art works, two legal size file cabinets, a nice office desk, and much, much more!
This is the perfect opportunity to find a period piece for your home. Stop by on Saturday!
Do you make Oakwood’s best chili? Now is your chance to be crowned the best chili king or queen in Oakwood during a fun-filled family event.
The first Relay For Life Chili Cook-Off contest to benefit the American Cancer Society will be held November 8 from 1:00-4:00 pm at the Oakwood Community Center. The public is encouraged to enter their favorite chili recipe. The first twenty applicants will be accepted into the contest.
All Relay For Life teams are encouraged to enter, as the money collected from the chili cook-off will be given to teams to help reach fundraising goals. Bring the
family! There will be lots of fun and entertainment for the kids.
New Relay For Life team members are encouraged to attend to learn more about, and register for, the Relay to be held on July 10 and 11.
To enter the contest, go to The $10 entrance fee will be applied to an existing Relay For Life team or can be designated for any other team. Please bring six quarts of chili in a crockpot on the day of the event, and a heavy-duty extension cord. The registration deadline is Nov. 1.
Several awards will be given: The People’s Choice Award, Oakwood’s Relay For Life Best Chili, and Best Presentation (decorating your space.)
The public will be invited to give donations for their favorite chili. The team with the highest amount of donations will win the coveted “People’s Choice Award,” and the donations will be applied to that Relay For Life’s team total.
Other prizes will be given for Oakwood Relay’s Best Chili and Best Presentation.
A panel of celebrity judges will be on board from the Dayton Daily News, Dorothy Lane Market, and the City of Oakwood. Hot dogs will also be served.

Oakwood Rotary volunteers will come to your home on Saturday, Oct. 25, to collect some of the things we all have taking up space in our basements or garages that the weekly trash pickup are not permitted to collect: paint cans, stains, thinners, pesticides and batteries.
Call 296-5155 and leave your name, address, and the items will be collected between 9 a.m. and noon Saturday, Oct. 25.
There is no charge for this volunteer service, but you are encouraged to make a tax-deductible donation to the “Oakwood Rotary Club Foundation” and leave that with the items in a well-marked envelope or mail to PO Box 512, Dayton OH 45409.
The Woodhull Discourses Presents Dr. J. Pittman McGehee, D.D. at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Oakwood, on Nov. 1 and 2.
Dr. Pittman McGehee will present both his Saturday seminar and Sunday Adult Formation lecture in the Parish Hall at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 33 W. Dixon Ave. in Oakwood: Saturday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.: “Individuation and Mystical Union: A look at the work of Meister Eckhart and C.G. Jung”—Jung regularly quoted Eckhart in
his writings on religion and psyche.
This lecture will be a discussion of mysticism and individuation as seen by a 12th Century mystic and a 20th Century psychoanalyst. In comparing Eckhart and Jung, it will be necessary to compare and contrast themes such as Self, ground, libido, evil, feminine, paradox, and wholeness.
Sunday, 9:30 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.: “Weaving a Worldview”—Taking two stories and two symbols, this lecture will weave a tapestry of a psycho/spiritual worldview that can be a basis for health. Christmas and Easter, Baptism and Eucharist are all we need to contain a balanced and integrated consciousness. Christianity is an undervalued resource for mental health. This lecture expects to remedy that.
Both presentations are free and open to the public.
Teens can hear about and discuss a different series every Friday at the Library. During September and October, we will discuss series such as The Princess Diaries, Twilight, and The Chronicles of Narnia. In November and December, we will discuss different authors. Homemade cookies and lemonade will be served. No registration required.
Every Wednesday from 4 to 6 p.m., students can drop-in and play Guitar Hero III, Dance, Dance Revolution (DDR), jigsaw puzzles, Uno, Yahtzee, and a variety of other board games. If you wish, you can bring your own!
For a complete schedule of all teen programs, check the library website at www.Wright
A demonstration of the basic tools and skills for finding information on the Internet will be given on Monday, Oct. 20, from 1:30-2:30 p.m. in Wright Library’s meeting room. The program is aimed at helping those with little experience become more comfortable using the Internet to find information.
Attendees of the program will have the opportunity to sign up for additional hands-on sessions to practice what they learn. The program is free and no registration is required. Anyone with questions can call the library at (937) 294-7171.