Also featuring photos from our monthly supplement...

6th Annual Scarecrow Building Contest 

The Department of Leisure Services is again thrilled to announce Oakwood’s Sixth Annual Scarecrow Building Contest!  The City is hosting this fun filled fall community event in October which is open to Oakwood scout troops, church and school organizations, businesses, individuals and families.  The more scarecrows we have the more fun the event will be!  Pick a theme and start building from there!   Make sure you come up with a great name for your scarecrow.  

Just think of how neat it was last year to see Shafor Boulevard (Scarecrow Row) filled with scarecrows and cornstalks.  This year we hope to see more scarecrows around the community.  The more participants we have the more fun the event will be.  This will surely add to the ambience of the community and neighborly cheer throughout the fall season.

Registration packets are now available from the Oakwood Community Center business office.  Each packet contains the rules and regulations for the program as well as the building guidelines and an entry form to be completed and returned to the OCC for an assigned location.  The building and placement of scarecrows will take place on Sunday, Oct. 12 from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. Judging will take place promptly at 3:30 p.m.  Prizes will be awarded to First, Second and Third place winners and announced at Oakwood’s Fall Festival at Shafor Park.

For questions concerning this event, please call the Oakwood Community Center at 298-0775.

At the Wright Library______________________

Child library card sign-ups underway

September is Library Card Sign-up Month, and Wright Library wants to make sure that your child has the smartest card of all – a library card.

Studies show that children who are read to in the home and who use the library perform better in school and are more likely to continue to use the library as a source of lifelong learning.

To receive a library card for your child, the parent needs to show a photo ID with a current address, such as a driver’s license. If your ID does not have your current address, you may use a photo ID along with another proof of current address such as a recent utility bill. Anyone living in state of Ohio is eligible for a Wright Library card.

This year, students at Harman and Smith Elementary Schools who do not already have a Wright Library card can sign up for one and help their class win a pizza party at the Library! Each child will receive an application form at school. Students, along with a parent, can drop off the application at the Library. Once the student has a card number, write the number on the attached bookmark and submit it to the student’s teacher by the end of September. Students who already have a library card can just submit the bookmark with their library card number. The class that has the most kids with library cards will be invited to Wright Library for a pizza party! For more information, please contact the Youth Services Department at 294-7171.

Baby Sign Lanuage at Wright Library!

Wright Memorial Public Library is honored to host Tricia Webber of “Love to Sign” on Monday, Sept. 15 at 10:15 a.m. for a 20 minute program of songs and stories in American Sign Language. The program, which is aimed at children age 3 and under, will teach useful, developmentally-appropriate signs to children and their caregivers.

Ms. Webber is a parent, an Ohio certified teacher, and a certified Level 1 Sign2Me presenter. Her website may be found at

Mrs. G. will host a “playtime” immediately following Ms. Webber’s presentation. Caregivers must attend with the children. The program will be held in the Library Meeting Room, and no registration is necessary. For more information, please contact the Youth Services Department at 294-7171.

Big Brothers/ Big Sisters event at Wright Library

Wright Library will be hosting a Dance, Dance Revolution party for Big Brothers/Big Sisters and their matches on Sunday, Sept. 14 from 2-3 p.m. Compete against other matches, enjoy snacks, and have fun! There will also be a brief overview of a new book discussion group for BB/BS matches.

This program is a free match event. Registration is strongly encouraged. To register for this event, please contact the Youth Services Department at 294-7171.

Library board revises funding for year-end 2008

After several years of a state-funding freeze, Ohio’s public libraries are once again subject to the ups and downs of tax receipts. At its August 18 meeting, Wright Memorial Public Library’s Board of Trustees addressed the recent recertification by the State of Ohio of the Public Library Fund. All public libraries had their state funding reduced by two percent for the rest of 2008. For Wright Library, this amounts to $30,262 less in revenue than originally projected for the year. The Board approved a revised budget of $1,800,285. Based on conservative spending, the reduction came out of several budget categories without cuts being made in materials or staff.  

The majority of the library’s revenues, (82 percent) comes from the State Public Library Fund. The Public Library Fund is based on 2.22 percent of all the state General Revenue Fund tax sources, multiplied by Montgomery County’s computed share. This total amount is then distributed according to a funding formula among the four libraries in Montgomery County, (Dayton Metro, Germantown, Washington Centerville and Wright Memorial.) Wright Memorial receives 6.13 percent of this total amount. Wright Library is also funded by a local tax levy which provides approximately 16 percent, or $290,000 per year in support.

The library will be closely monitoring the State revenue projections for 2009 as it prepares next year’s budget.


UD New Horizons band meeting Sept. 11

Attention senior adults: A fall information meeting for new members will be held on Thursday, Sept. 11 from 9 to 10 a.m. at 103 Reichard Hall on the University of Dayton campus.

Please attend this meeting if you plan to join, or are thinking about joining. Attendees will be able to learn more about the organization, as well as talk with directors and current members. There will be band instruments available for anyone who would like to try them out. For more information call 229-2357.

Ovarian cancer walk Sept. 7 at Carillon Park

The National Ovarian Cancer Coalition and PureOlogy’s Walk to Break the Silence on Ovarian Cancer will be held on Sunday, Sept. 7 at 3 p.m.  This year’s Walk will take place in cooperation with Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine at the Carillon Historical Park, held rain or shine, and on-site registration will begin at 1 p.m. followed by opening ceremonies, with the walk beginning at 3 p.m.

Advance registration is $25 for adults and children 12 and younger are free. Participants are encouraged to provide additional support through pledges. PureOlogy will be onsite, distributing travel kits containing product samples and a teal PureOlogy wristband to walk participants.  

Goals of the walk are to:

Raise funds to support local and national awareness and educational efforts.
Educate the general public about the signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer.
Provide support for ovarian cancer survivors, their families and friends.

The National Ovarian Cancer Coalition, a not-for-profit corporation.  For more information about the “Walk to Break the Silence on Ovarian Cancer” call (937) 439-3675 or e-mail . Registration is available at . For more information on ovarian cancer, visit

City Notes...

Community meeting on recreation space
slated Sept. 18

The city of Oakwood will conduct a community meeting at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 18 to discuss public athletic and recreation space.  City officials will make a presentation describing the city’s current public properties and facilities.  

Thereafter, city officials will ask for public comments regarding the facilities and will solicit thoughts and ideas on possible future facility improvements.  The meeting will take place in the council chambers at the city building, 30 Park Avenue.  All citizens are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Norbert S. Klopsch
City Manager
August 29, 2008 


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September 2, 2008
Volume 17, No. 36

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'round town


The Oakwood Register
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