New neighbors a real hoot
A brood of Eastern Screech Owls have taken up residence in some trees on Monteray Avenue. There are five owls - four juveniles and an adult. They are a truly beautiful sight and all of the neighbors who have seen them are thrilled that they have decided to make an appearance. Dayton Foundation receives $4-million bequest from Eichelberger family The Dayton Foundation has received $4 million from the combined estates of Jack W. and Sally D. Eichelberger for The Jack W. and Sally D. Eichelberger Foundation of The Dayton Foundation. With a forthcoming multi-million-dollar additional gift from the estate, the total Eichelberger gift to The Dayton Foundation will be the Foundation’s largest gift from a bequest to date. “The Dayton Foundation is honored to be entrusted with this generous gift that will have real impact on our community today and for generations to come,” said Michael M. Parks, president of The Dayton Foundation. A prominent, longtime Dayton attorney and Oakwood resident, Jack W. Eichelberger passed away in 2001 at the age of 70. Sally D. Eichelberger, a devoted member of the Dayton Woman’s Club, passed away in 2006, but herestate only recently was realized. The Eichelbergers found wealth in real estate investments and elected to leave that wealth for the benefit of the Greater Dayton community. The fund is advised by attorneys Gary L. Froelich, David C. Greer and Neal F. Zimmers. The Eichelberger Foundation makes grants to local organizations that enhance the education of the legal profession, the arts and the general Dayton-area community. To date they have made grants to The Human Race Theatre Company (HRTC), CityFolk and other local organizations. Council OK’s resolution expanding fiber optics capabilities The Oakwood City Council convened on Monday, July 21 with all members counted as present. In Status Reports, John Eastman, engineer with Lockwood, Jones & Beal gave a report on the environmental conditions at the Sugar Camp/Pointe Oakwood development. Performed in conjunction with the Oakwood Board of Health, the environmental testing turned negative toxicity results and the OSHA 8-hour air exposure limit tested for airborne volatile compounds turned up negative as well. The only positive reading was ”elevated levels of organics” in one area, according to Eastman. On the evening of Tuesday, July 15, Norbert Klopsch met with five Oakwood citizens (Jean Woodhull, Cindy Garner, Julie Patel, Nancy Bain and Jay Woodhull) and the designers of the Pointe Oakwood housing development. At the meeting, the designers presented their ideas for a comprehensive tree planting and landscape plan and asked the citizens for their comments and advice. The five citizens are recognized experts in this field and provided very valuable input. The designers are now using that input to continue refining their plan. According to Klopsch, the group will conduct a follow-up meeting with these five citizens and also expect to have three additional involved (George Houk, Pam Houk and Barb Rion). The completed Master Landscape Plan should be ready for submission to the Oakwood Planning Commission at their public meeting at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 3. Mayor Judy Cook reported on the events held the past few weeks celebrating Oakwood’s Centennial. She talked the success of the free citizen tours of the Wright home at Hawthorn Hill and how it has literally sold out over the past two weeks. Also mentioned was the six showings of the new historical documentary: Oakwood – Our Home on the Hill at the Oakwood High School auditorium. Each showing was well-attended and she also mentioned the Cookie & Lemonade table for attendees to enjoy afterward. Mayor Cook reminded residents that the Grand Finale of the Centennial will take place on Sunday, Aug. 17 from 3 to 6:30 p.m. with the annual Ice Cream Social and an evening concert featuring the U.S. Air Force Band of Flight at 6:45 p.m. In Visitors, Nancy Bain wished to give feedback with regard to the Sugar Camp development. She opposes the use of any invasive species such as privet hedges on the premises and also voiced her opposition to the use of Callery pear trees for greenery as well. She offered a “proposal” but shifted to opposing the planting of non-native species of plants and flowers at the proposed site of the dog park over by Creager Field. In Legislation, a resolution authorizing the city’s participation in a joint application for an Ohio local government services and regional collaboration grant dealing with fiber optics through the Ohio Department of Development passed unanimously. The application will seek out sources of funding for the interconnection of fiber optics owned by various local communities and can be used to develop a regional broadband telecommunications network and economic development tool. In the City Manager’s report, Norbert Klopsch mentioned that the newly-renovated Orchardly Park is a success with children and parents attending well into the third week it’s been open. Klopsch also mentioned that Five Rivers MetroPark is undertaking major redevelopment in the Hills and Dales area and to expect a full report from MetroPark officials possibly as soon as August. The next Oakwood City Council meeting will be Monday, Aug. 4, 2008. |
July 22, 2008
Volume 17, No. 30
front page
'round town