Have you ever tried to change ‘inter-net or e-mail’ ‘servers’? Well – don’t….unless you have a son who’s been a control-tower operator in the Marine Corps and who has the patience of Job…….or you’ve got several days and big-bucks to pay a professional and the long distance phone bill for maddening and unhelpful calls to your new and old ‘server’. But, what else are week-ends for? One bright light of the week-end was a letter from Sally Coleman Crawford late of Oakwood and now operating from dateline: West Palm Beach, Fl. “I have to tell you about my jobs…I should be retired, but instead I’m in a whirlwind life of agents/editors. I’m writing for the ‘Palm Beach Daily News’ about the mansions of P. B. and the people who live in them. I also write for the ‘Florida Design Magazine’. All that has me driving to Miami several times a week for auditions for commercials.” “I hope to get home to visit my sister, (Pat Coleman Sheridan). Also for Gay Spiegel’s birthday. Then I’ll drive to Charlottesville, VA to visit my daughter and her husband, and then visit son (Matthew) for Mother’s Day and my birthday…” “PS…love your column: it keeps me ‘posted.’ “ Jill Reeder Kendall stopped to visit with two ‘walkers’ on the ‘brick-ey’ part of Oakwood Avenue. “I have never seen the flowers, crab-apple trees, lilacs, dog wood, red-bud, magnolias…as beautiful as they are this Spring! I guess we say that every year. Tom and I have friends who’ve just moved here from California and they’re in shock…can’t believe what we mid-westerners ‘display’ during ‘springtime’.” Cox Arboretum had a ‘Wildflower Sale’ on Saturday. “Members Only – 10 to 11 AM …Public Sale from l l to 3 PM. On Thursday, May 8 from 6 – 9 PM the Arboretum has scheduled a ‘Specialty Plant Live Auction’; Members only, $40 per. Then on Friday and Saturday (May 9 and 10) there will be a ‘Tent show in the Cox Arboretum Garden Store.’ All proceeds benefit the James M. Cox, Jr. Arboretum Foundation. Additional Parking at Bauer Elementary School immediately South of the Arboretum. Walter Schaller, manager of Dayton Country Club, ran in the Boston Marathon last Monday. His time was ‘4:04’! That’s for twenty six plus miles! “That’s better than my time last year…but it was cooler and everything just went well…my daughter ran the last ten miles with me…she’s recovering from surgery and was pleased with her run. What an athlete and what a record for a gentleman in his seventies! Sally and Bill Lincoln and their son Chris had dinner at Dayton Country Club last Friday evening. Chris, a recent Xavier grad, is with Key Bank. “We’ve got to run,” explained Sally. “We’re on our way to ‘Spamalot’… Ham-lets’ presented another of their ‘…best-ever-theatrical-productions’ on Sunday evening at St. Paul’s. And this ‘play’ qualified as the best-of-the-best! “Nobody’s Perfect” by Simon Williams was the vehicle selected by Producer ‘Cecil B. DeMaher’ (that’s Tom Maher to fellow Oakwood-ites). Tom was in full-Hollywood-costume – including a barrette. “Harriet” was played by Dana Cunningham. ‘Harriet’ was the editor of a magazine ‘for women, about women, and by women’. Rick Ohmer handled the very difficult role of both ‘Leonard’ and ‘Aunt Lulu-Belle’ the Southern belle. ‘Leonard’s’ teen-age-tootsie-daughter’ was played to a ‘T’ by Angela Dunaway. ‘Gus’, the ornery and obstinate, geezer’ father of ‘Leonard’ was expertly acted by Dan Dunaway. The ‘laughs’ were a mile-a-minute. Hosts for the dinner were Julie & John Ferneding, and Brenda & Mike Neroni. Julie Ferneding’s made-from-scratch-cheese-cake was the best ever. The decision between ‘chocolate’ or ‘lemon’ was impossible – so most everybody took both! “Emeritus Appetizers” (that’s what the program said!) were provided by Coreene Moran. Don Moran received a few ‘thanx’ too. Ham-lets new president opened the evening. ‘It’s’ Brenda Neroni. You can see ‘Ham-lets’ are in ‘good hands’. Remember the Miami Valley Hunt House Dog Show that was held here a few years back? Remember those nifty T-shirts with the three dogs depicted in formal wear? There are still a bunch available in small, medium, large and X-large. Great casual wear for making the shopping scene at DLM, Starbucks, The Oakwood Club (NOT!). Call the Oakwood Register at 294-2662 and place your order ($10 each).
April 29, 2008
Volume 17, No. 18
front page
'round town