Midge Harlan hosted her Bridge Club at DCC last Wednesday noon at Dayton Country Club. Walter Schaller & Virgil Ricks had had set-up the Lady’s Card Room with one large table for eight and two card tables so the gals could chat-n-eat-n-shuffle all to themselves. Patty Ballard was just back from Florida…”where the weather had been great!” Sally Riffle, Dotty Bachus, and Shirley Wagner talked about plans for their annual ‘Bridge week in Florida’ at Wagner’s place. Paula Schaeffer was there ‘…hot from the hair-house’ – so she upstaged everyone. Lou Mason had come straight from a meeting at the Schuster center. The salad entrée was spectacular! The plate held a sculptured cantaloupe, mixed-greens, and whole chicken breast sliced and ready for eating… artfully presented. And it was as delicious as it was beautiful. On a visit with Jane Scharrer at Linden House at Bethany…the center of attraction in the wide hall…was one very large, yellow, hairy dog! While petting the dog (along with many other nurses, aides, and patients) the ‘handler’ of this dog was discovered to be Joan Stamper. “Joan-ey…haven’t seen you for years! What are you doing here?” “I’m here visiting Dad (Max Stamper). He loves the dog and the dog loves coming and getting all this attention.” “We saw you all the time when you were in high school…had a horse at Locust Wood Farm…and hunted with us. Such super memories. What’s wrong with Dad?” “He had a fall and injured his leg…nothing really serious…he’ll be fine.” “Before you get to Dad’s room…come and show the dog to Jane Scharrer…” Joany and her dog always have to go into every room on the hall before they got to Max. “What’s the dog’s name?” “It’s ‘Max’…Dad says it’s his grandson!” Saturday evening everyone in the ‘Informal’ dining room at DCC was watching the basketball game between Kansas and Univ. of North Carolina. When asked why the fervor… did any of you go to either school? The answer was always…”No, it’s the money we bet in the ‘pool’” One ‘watcher’ said he’d bet for UNC and three points at the 39’ers meeting on Friday night. When asked why, he answered: “Cause Wise Glossinger told me to because Bud Welch had said that was the bet to make.” “What does Bud know? He went to Dartmouth.” There were a few non-basketball fans there. Greg McAfee chatted with his table-mates instead. And Karen & Burnell Roberts were receiving ‘welcome homes’ from neighbors. They’ve spent a long, cold, delightful winter in their Michigan home but Karen’s back walking her dog early every morning along Houk Stream. Sunday’s New York Timescarried a half-page review of ‘Young@Heart’. And why is this in Round Town? Because the founder, director of ‘Young@Heart’ Robert Cilman’s wife is Polly Cassel, an Oakwood High School grad., and daughter of Dr. William Cassel, late of Ridgeway Road. This documentary movie opens nation-wide this week. It’s producer is Stephen Walker of BBC. “At first I thought it was some weird gimmick. I was forced to attend a this geriatric show and said I’d stay ten minutes. I stayed, awed not just by the performance, but by the clamorous reaction of a theater packed with every single age group.” The youngest performer is 75. The ‘originals’ are all gone – except for Bobby Cilman who’s 54. He’d been kicking around Northamption, MA arts scene for years and finally took a job dispensing meals at the housing project when the idea of a resident chorus caught on. After ‘wowing’ the East Coast they were invited to the Netherlands in 1997… and since then have performed all over the world. “We do rock ‘n roll,” said Mr. Knittle, who plays ’Bill Clinton’ to Mrs. Hatche’s ‘Monica Lewinsky’ singing “Go Away Little Girl”. “But Mr. Cilman’s musical taste is whatever we told our kids to turn down or turn off…but we now perform it.” “100 (+) Women Who Care” If one hundred plus women meet four times a year – and donate one hundred dollars at each meeting – how much money would the local charity of their choice receive? Answer: A lot! Kathy Banwart founded the Dayton Chapter of “100 (+) Women…” in 2006 after hearing about chapters in Albion and Jackson, MI, and Wheaton, IL. At Dayton’s first meeting, women voted to donate their monies to the Dayton Boys & Girls Club to upgrade their computer lab. Their one hour meetings are from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. on the third Tuesday of April, July, October and January. Members are allowed five minutes to present the charity of their choice. The Vote is taken and the woman who suggested the winning charity presents the Club’s check to the recipient. In Oct. of ’07 ninety one women wrote checks to ‘Daybreak’ – an emergency shelter for runaway and homeless youth. “100 (+) Women…” is open to any woman who will commit $100 four times a year. The monies go directly to the charity. Their next meeting is on April 15 from 5:30 ‘til 6:30 at the Bravo restaurant at the Dayton Mall. For more info: Banwart at Ikbanwart@woh.rr.com or 435-8588. |
April 8, 2008
Volume 17, No. 15
front page
'round town