The city of Oakwood’s Centennial Film Committee is finishing up work on the film, Oakwood: Our Home on the Hill. The committee is still looking for a few key images. We are hoping citizens might have photographs or home videos that would fill some of our gaps.
Below is a list of Oakwood memorabilia we are hoping to find:
• Early images of Harman School known as Oakwood School until 1924. Images of the exterior/interior of the building, images of kids attending this school when it housed grades K-8.
• Images of the Playhouse. Attending kindergarten there or one of the several community events.
• Depression Foreclosure papers for Oakwood homes.
• Images of attending dances/events at East Oakwood Club or YMCA, now OCC.
• Images of Oakwood men/women in WWII uniform or children dressing up and playing WWII games.
• Ration Cards
• Film footage or images of early Oakwood football or field hockey.
• Early images of the football stadium.
• 1920s-1950s film footage of school in Oakwood, playground, graduation, sporting events, etc.
• Images outside the Far Hills Theater and/or Cinema South
• Images/video of Playhouse demolition.
• Images of Far Hills Business District prior to realignment
We would appreciate your help. Please call Harrison Gowdy at 643-4075 or email at stammgowdy@sbcglobal.net.
The Oakwood Jr./Sr. High School Film Club will be sponsoring the sixth annual Oakwood Film Festival on Saturday, May 17, 2008 at 1 p.m. in the high school auditorium. Film age groups are: K- second grade, third – fifth grade, sixth – eighth grade, ninth – twelfth grade and community members.
If you would like to enter a film, the deadline is April 30. You can pick up film guidelines and registration forms in the high school or junior high offices. There is no fee to enter a film.
Turn in registration forms and films (DVD or VHS format) to the Oakwood High School office by April 30.
If you would like to help sponsor the film festival, contact Debbie Smith at 937-297-5325 or email at smith.debbie@oakwood.k12.oh.us.
Everyone loves a parade…but a parade full of floats energizes a crowd even more! The Centennial Committee has a great plan to expand the float contingent of this year’s That Day in May Parade. Six flatbed trucks and six tractors have been donated for this year’s Centennial Parade. Three have been spoken for, but three are still available to the group, or organization that wants a chance to participate as a float entry. The Centennial Committee has set aside one thousand dollars for each float.
Three flatbeds are ready and waiting to be reserved. If you want to sign up for one of them call Jane Voisard at 228-1511 or Norbert Klopsch at 298-0661.
The co-chairs of the Centennial Club, Sally Riffle and Dick Cummings are pleased to announce that the number of applications has greatly exceeded our expectation. Over 400 have sent us their information.
In order to meet the deadline for publication, all applications must be in by April 20.
Call Sally at 298-6411 or Dick at 293-5150 or email RCDC146@Yahoo.com |
As part of our 100th birthday celebration for the city of Oakwood, we are creating The Centennial Club. Throughout our centennial year, members of The Centennial Club will be recognized in various ways. There are no costs to belong. A member does not
even have to live in Oakwood at the present time.
Here are the simple requirements for membership.
- Write down your present age
- Write down the total number of years
you have lived, or worked, in the city
of Oakwood. They need not be
consecutive years.
- If those two numbers equal at least 100, you're a member!
For further information call Sally Riffle at 298-6411 or email Dick Cummings RCDC146@yahoo.com
The Wright family home, Hawthorn Hill, will be open, free of charge, for tours to all Oakwood residents on July 12, 13 and 14. This is an incredible opportunity and something you will not want to miss.
The tours will be held: July 11 and 12 at 9 a.m., 10 a.m., 11 a.m.,1 p.m., 2 p.m., 3 p.m., and 4 p.m.; July 13 at 1 p.m., 2 p.m., 3 p.m. and 4 p.m.
Deadline to sign up is June 1, 2008. Please call 298-0600 for reservations. All tours are limited to 15 people.
No one under age 5, please. Your photo I.D. will be your ticket. Walking is encouraged, parking available at the Oakwood Municipal Building.
This event has been made possible by the generosity of the NCR Corporation.