Also featuring photos from our monthly supplement... |
President’s Day presentation
Ellen Brannigan, proprietress of Park Avenue Antiques, shows a George Washington print to Tom Cecil. A longtime Oakwood resident and retired attorney, Cecil is an authority on presidential history and trivia. He gives talks on Presidents Lincoln and Washington during President’s Month and throughout the year by request. Speeches are to service clubs, schools, churches, retirement homes, etc… Any group that would like Mr. Cecil to speak may contact him at 293-9993.
Tuzzi garners AAF Silver Medal Award
Former Oakwood resident Fred Tuzzi has been awarded the American Advertising Federation’s (AAF) Silver Medal Award, the highest AAF award given to recognize individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the advertising profession and to their community. The award was presented by the local AAF member club, the Greater Dayton Advertising Association, at the chapter’s recent annual Hermes awards ceremony.
Tuzzi is semi-retired from a 26-year advertising career where he serviced local, national and international accounts, ranging from pet food manufacturers to software producers and high-tech aerial cartographic engineering firms. He has worked for TriCom Marketing & Communications, an advertising agency headquartered in Vandalia, Ohio, for over 13 years as an account executive. He is still serving in a project consultant role for TriCom, working specifically with international industrial clientele and their trade show efforts.
According to Chris Eifert, TriCom Principal, “Fred’s dedication to the advertising profession and his clients has been exemplary. His expertise in advertising and specifically in trade show exhibitions has been invaluable to TriCom and our clients. With his superior sales and customer service talents and his commitment to his community, Fred is an outstanding choice for this award.”
In addition to his work with TriCom, Tuzzi has also worked for two advertising design studios – Wanamaker Advertising Arts and Art Direction.
His community service includes: Past president, board member and 20-year member of the Dayton Ad Club. Past president and nine-year member of the Oakwood School Board. Member of the accreditation team for School of Advertising Arts. Founding member of the South Dayton Flyers Youth Track Club. Former board member of the Dayton Philharmonic Youth Orchestra. Charter member Dorothy Lane Market Consumer Board. Founding member Oakwood Orchestra Parents. AFS father to two different year-long exchange students.
Along with serving his community, Tuzzi also served his country as a member of the U.S. Air Force. Tuzzi and his wife Dorothy have two children and three grandchildren.
OHS Distinguished Alumni nomination deadline
The Oakwood High School Alumni Association is accepting nominations for the OHS Distinguished Alumni Award. The deadline for submission is Friday, Feb. 29, 2008.
The nomination form may be downloaded from the Oakwood School District web site at Just click on Alumni and follow the prompts. You may also pick up a form at the Oakwood Board of Education building located at 20 Rubicon Road, Dayton, OH 45409.
The OHS Alumni Association developed the award’s criteria, nominating and voting processes, and induction standards for this annual award. The Oakwood Board of Education, at their May 2007 meeting, approved the Distinguished Alumni Award and process. The inaugural induction ceremony will be held in conjunction with the City of Oakwood’s Centennial Celebration Closing Ceremonies being held the third
weekend of August 2008.
The Distinguished Alumni Award is a wonderful way to acknowledge fellow OHS Alumni who have made significant accomplishments in their career and community. If you have any questions or would like a nomination formed mailed to you, please contact Rande Rinn Chapman `74, OHS Alumni Director, via email: or call (937) 298-8711.
Find an old classmate or add your name to the
new OHS on-line database...
If one looks at the plat maps and aerial photos from the Maysfield collection taken in the 1920’s, we see where the houses are that peek out above the shops and it becomes apparent that this has been a slow pattern of change, not without controversy. The southerly most section of Oakwood, from Peach Orchard Road and Triangle Avenue and to East Drive, and from Shroyer Road to Fairmont Avenue, was on a farm that was split up among family members like other large tracts. These 100 acres were originally part of a Patent to Joseph Coleman created in 1815. He sold this part in 1840 to James Maxton who sold it in 1840 to Ann Wonderly. When she died in 1871, she left it to her son William, who built a farmhouse in 1873, which still stands at 205 Dell Park Avenue. He had two families due to the death of his first wife, and his will filed in 1879 directed that the property be divided into parcels on the east and west side of Lebanon Pike (now Far Hills Avenue). The 76 acres on the east side from Triangle to East Drive he left to his three children from his first marriage. He directed that it be Partitioned when the oldest came of age. This was done in 1883, resulting in three relatively equal tracts: Lot C – west – to Elmer who sold parcels to individuals who later platted them: a. Penn plat 1925, b. Hirsch Plat 1931 (Oakwood Club). c. Mary Knoll 1930, d. Fleischman Subdiv 1931, e. D.H. Manney Subdiv. 1931, f. Widman, Waldman, James tracts. The City of Oakwood platted part of these to extend Claranna Avenue to Far Hills in 1950, making possible the development of the Talbott Building and Dorothy Lane Market. William James finally sold his filling station at the corner of Far Hills and East Drive in 1952, permitting the completion of four lanes on Far Hills in front of what is now Dorothy Lane Market, and eliminating a bottle neck. The 25 acres on the west side from Hilltop to south of Oak Knoll and from Far Hills West to Fairmont Avenue, he left to his second wife Sarah. She died in 1903, leaving a trust for the benefit of their daughter Elizabeth. In 1916, she and the Trustee filed a Disentailment action (translation – unwind this deal and give me the money). In 1920, the court permitted the sale to Miles Kuhns, who platted Oak Knoll Plat. The house at 205 Dell Park Avenue still stands as a remarkable example of a restored early farmhouse. The front door has been repositioned to face Dell Park and has been updated by adding a family room and garage, taking on a Colonial Revival appearance. Another part of this farm was sold to Carl Shultheis who platted Alpine Terrace Plat. A strip of 20 acres off the north of the original Patent next to Peach Orchard Road south to Hilltop was sold by Joseph Coleman and parceled ultimately to Richard Holton, Miles Kuhns, and Carl Shultheis, who sold unplatted tracts for homes on Peach Orchard Road and to investors on Far Hills Avenue. The strip on the east side between Peach Orchard Avenue and Triangle Boulevard you may recall, The strip between Ridgeway Road and the lots on the west side of Fairmont Avenue had been purchased by John H. Patterson who created a bridle path known as Panorama Road and then Ridgeway Road. The lots on East Drive were platted by Clarence and Anna Neibel in 1931. East Drive was the only way to get between Far Hills and Shroyer Road until 1939 when Dorothy Lane finally connected them. |
Willie’s back! least on Saturdays, and this last one was his first back at Dorothy Lane Market since November when he left for medical reasons. We spied Willie Pecasse sitting on a stool by the flowers, being hugged and greeted by his former customers who have missed his quiet, competent, informed tending of the fruit and vegetable department. He was back in “his second home,” a reassuring comment made to him by store-owner Norman Mayne, Willie said with gratitude. “This [being here] makes me happy,” he said, and you could tell it was so by the warmth in his eyes as he recognized, and was recognized by, the customers he has served for over 20 years (he started working at DLM on March 5, 1987). By the way, Willie Pecasse is close to 90 years old, and still can provide oodles of information about any fruit or veggie grown.
Five questions to ask when nearing retirement
Whenever you see people enjoying a comfortable retirement - traveling, volunteering, pursuing hobbies, taking up a new career - you can be pretty sure it all didn’t happen by accident. In fact, success at retirement is similar to success in just about any endeavor - you have to plan for it.
Of course, your planning could take many different forms. But, as you get close to retirement, you might find it easier to organize your efforts if you ask yourself these five key questions:
* Where am I today? Shortly before you retire, make a detailed list of your financial assets, such as your bank accounts, investments, IRA, 401(k), etc. You may want to consider consolidating as many of these accounts as you can with just one company. This consolidation will help you get a clearer picture of your overall situation, and it may even help you reduce maintenance fees and make it easier to calculate required minimum distributions (RMDs) you might have to take once you reach 70-1/2. On the “flip side,” you’ll want to list out all your obligations - mortgages, home equity credit lines, car loans and other debts.
* How much will I need to enjoy the retirement lifestyle I’ve envisioned? You’ll probably need between 80 percent and 100 percent of your pre-retirement income to maintain your standard of living in retirement. But this is a general rule; your actual needs will depend on what you want to do during retirement. So, if you want to travel extensively, you might need more income than if you chose to stay close to home, volunteering and pursuing hobbies. In any case, try to estimate your annual expenses during retirement, knowing that your plans may change later.
* How much can I withdraw each year? Your investment portfolio is likely to account for a good percentage of your retirement income. Consequently, you’ll want to work with your financial advisor to determine how much you can take out each year without running out of money. The percentage you withdraw each year will depend on several factors, including your portfolio’s rate of return, the age at which you start taking Social Security and the size of the distributions from your 401(k) or other employer-sponsored retirement plan.
* What portfolio and lifestyle adjustments do I need to make? Once you’ve determined how much you can realistically withdraw each year, you may need to rebalance your investments to get the right proportion of equities and fixed income. You also might need to look beyond your portfolio to see what lifestyle changes
you may need to make. For example, you may decide that you wouldn’t mind working for an additional year or so to take some of the pressure off your investments as an income source.
* How can I stay on course? Over time, your goals, health or income needs may change, so you might have to update your withdrawal and investment strategies. At this stage of your life, you’ll want to review your situation with your financial advisor at least once a year.
By asking yourself these questions - and then answering them - you can go a long way toward enjoying the retirement you deserve.
Senior programs at the Oakwood Community Center
AARP driver safety course
The AARP Driver Safety Course is eight hours of classroom instruction that refines existing skills and develops safe, defensive driving techniques. Produced by the AARP and conducted through out the country in 2 half-day sessions, the Drivers Safety Course teaches preventive measures to use when driving that saves lives.
It is an opportunity for you to learn how to handle adverse driving conditions and traffic hazard, in addition to learning about the effects of aging and medication on driving.
Pre-registration is required. Call 298-0775 to make your reservation. Wednesday, March 5 & Thursday, March 6, 9:00 A.M.-1:00 P.M., must attend both days. Make checks in the amount of $10, payable to AAPR.
AARP Income tax preparation
Sponsored by the American Association of Retired Persons, this tax preparation is free and open to any older adult in the area. Volunteer tax counselors receive extensive training in the correct preparation for all types of tax returns.
Appointments are required, the tax payer should bring their 2006, and all forms received in reference to their 2006 return with them. Call 298-0775 after you received all 2007 tax documents to make your appointment. Appointments are Tuesdays 8:00, 9:00, 10: 00, and 11:00 A.M. and Wednesdays 9:00, 10:00, and 11:00 A.M., February 12-March 26, 2008.
Scouting News
Pack 101 celebrated the Arrow of Light ceremony on Sunday, Feb. 3. Seven Webelos crossed the bridge to becoming Boy Scouts. Back row: Cammi Mulligan (leader), Zach Harris, Daniel Mulligan, Adam Koenig, Bob Koenig (leader); Front row: Daniel VandeHoef, Samuel Hale, Nick Gadd, Nick Arnett. Harman sixth grade Junior Girl Scout Troop 2293 visited the Food Bank this past week. They are pictured behind one of the food barrels. The Food Bank is in need of cash and food donations. Pictured, left to right: Holly Malone, Victoria Ordeman, Megan Reynolds, Rachel Fisk, Hadley Rodebeck and Molly Winch. Not pictured: Allie Knoll. Scout book & school supply drive A book and school supply drive on behalf of the Miami Valley Literacy Council is being held through Feb. 23. Eagle Scout candidate Matt Davis of Boy Scout Troop 320 at the South Park United Methodist Church is heading up the drive and will be placing collection bags on the doorsteps of residences on the east side of Oakwood on Saturday, Feb. 23 and Sunday, Feb. 24. Matt and other scout volunteers will be collecting the donation bags on Saturday, March 1. Donations are also being accepted for drop-off at the Oakwood Register office, 435 Patterson Rd. All contributions are given to disadvantaged families in the community served by the council. Needed items include all varieties of education-oriented curricula, books, writing and drawing supplies, learning software and game CD’s, folders, notebooks, etc… For more information call 223-4922. |
February 19, 2008
Volume 17, No. 8
front page
'round town