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The 3rd Annual Valentine’s Dance to support Dayton Ohio Habitat for Humanity will be held Friday, Feb. 15. The dance will be held at the Masonic Center, 525 W. Riverview Avenue, in Dayton. Festivities begin at 7: 30 p.m. with a ballroom dance lesson.
Highlights of the evening include the 17 piece Gem City Jazz Orchestra, silent and live auctions, hors d’oeuvres, a chocolate fountain and dance lessons.
This year the dance will also feature a dance competition featuring local celebrities and businessmen. Our competitors are Candice Hunter with Fox 45/ABC, Ellen Belcher with the Dayton Daily News, Troy Singer who is on the Board of Directors for Habitat for Humanity, and Michael Schuh of Michael’s Salon and Day Spa and The Media Group.
“This is a great way to celebrate Valentine’s Day with your loved one or a group of friends while helping your community. Come enjoy a beautiful evening and help the dream of home ownership come true for a deserving Dayton area family.” Said Sue Miller, Valentine Dance committee chair.
All proceeds will benefit Dayton Ohio Habitat for Humanity’s 2008 Women Build. A program of Habitat for Humanity International, Women Build is a female driven group that raises the funds and provides volunteers for a Habitat home each year through Dayton Ohio Habitat for Humanity.
In 2007, the dance raised over $22,000 and helped fund a house for first-time homeowner Kirstin Elliott and her four children.
“The past two dances have helped deserving families move into a new home of their own. We’re expecting this years Dance to be even better with some new additions that everyone attending will love.” Said Suzanne Vlahos, 2007 Women Build chair and Valentine Dance committee member.
Tickets are $65 each ($40 of the cost is tax deductible) or you can buy a table for eight for $500. Please visit the Dayton Habitat website at www.daytonhabitat.org for more information.
Dayton Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit, volunteer-driven Christian ecumenical housing ministry dedicated to building safe, decent, affordable housing with families in need.
For more information, please contact Anna Marty, Volunteer Services Director, at amarty@daytonhabitat.org or at 937-586-0960 ext. 16.
The Republican Council of Oakwood will tour the new Dayton Daily News building on South Main Street at 1 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 14. Club members will meet beforehand for lunch at a nearby restaurant.
The Republican Council of Oakwood was founded in 1962, has a membership of seventy and is one of the oldest existing organizations in Oakwood. It is also open to all women of voting age residing in Montgomery County. For information about the club call 299-8606.
Wright Library is offering a program to help get preschoolers ready to read: Monday, Feb. 18, at 10:15 a.m. Both programs will last approximately 30 minutes and will be held in the library’s meeting room. Mrs. G will lead age-appropriate games that enhance early reading skills. No registration is required.
For more information contact the Youth Services Department at 294-7171 or check the events calendar on the library’s website, www.WrightLibrary.org
Come and enjoy interactive games that will enhance preschoolers’ early literacy skills on Monday, Feb. 18 from 10:15 – 10:45 a.m. in the library’s meeting room. Early childhood research indicates that children can begin to learn to read long before they go to school.
It’s never too early to Get Ready to Read @ Your Library! For more information, please contact the Youth Services Department at 294-7171.
Dr. Rhonda Rhea Byrd will be at Wright Library on Tuesday, Feb. 19 at 6:30 p.m. to discuss her new book, Invitation to Love: Celebrating the Love Poems of Paul Laurence Dunbar.
Invitation to Love represents one of the first times that Dunbar’s love poems have been identified and compiled into one publication. Dr. Byrd and her reading partner will read excerpts from the book.
The program will be held in the library meeting room. No advance registration is necessary.
The next Oakwood Junior and Senior High School PTO meeting is Thursday, Feb. 14 at 11:45 a.m. in Room 211 at OHS. Peggy Holton, Prevention/Intervention Counselor for Oakwood Junior/Senior High Schools, will continue her discussion of the 2006 Dayton Area Drug Survey, which was administered to Oakwood 7th – 12th graders.
More statistics will be presented, but there will also be an opportunity to discuss prevention and intervention methods to assist parents in keeping youth drug/alcohol free.
Parents are encouraged to attend.
Sponsored by the American Association of Retired Persons, this tax preparation is free and open to any older adult in the area. Volunteer tax counselors receive extensive training in the correct preparation for all types of tax returns.
Appointments are required, the tax payer should bring their 2006, and all forms received in reference to their 2006 return with them.
Call 298-0775 after you received all 2007 tax documents to make your appointment. Appointments are Tuesdays 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, and 11: 00 A.M. and Wednesdays 9:00, 10:00, and 11:00 A.M., through March 26, 2008.
Oakwood City offices will be closed on
Monday, Feb, 18
in observance of the
President's Day Holiday. |
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