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Attend Dayton History’s newest event, the Patterson Homestead Afternoon Tea Series.
Each individual Tea Party will include a variety of teas, tea sandwiches and desserts and a unique opportunity to tour the Patterson Homestead.
Feb. 10 - “Valentine’s Day Tea” (featuring period romantic poetry)
March 2 - “Victorian Tea” (explore the traditions of a Victorian society)
April 6 - “Spring Tea” (featuring live music)
May 4 - “Mothers Day Tea” (flower arranging on the Patterson Homestead balcony)
June 15 - “Children’s Tea Party “ (featuring stories, crafts and games)
The time for each Afternoon Tea is from 2 until 4 p.m. Cost is $18 per person per event for members; $20 per person per event for non-members. Space is limited. Prepaid reservations are required. For additional information and to make reservations, please contact the Patterson Homestead at (937) 222-9724
The Republican Council of Oakwood will tour the new Dayton Daily News building on South Main Street at 1 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 14. Club members will meet beforehand for lunch at a nearby restaurant.
The Republican Council of Oakwood was founded in 1962, has a membership of seventy and is one of the oldest existing organizations in Oakwood. It is also open to all women of voting age residing in Montgomery County. For information about the club call 299-8606.
Due to an exciting partnership between Dayton History and The Wright Family Foundation, Hawthorn Hill, the Oakwood mansion that Orville Wright called home for nearly 35 years, will be available for educational tours. Dayton History will conduct the tours while the Foundation will continue to own and manage the stately property. This joint venture marks the first time that the structure will be accessible on a regular basis for members of the general public.
The building, however, has a long and colorful history of hosting distinguished visitors. Charles A. Lindbergh, internationally acclaimed for his 1927 solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean, was invited to visit in June of that year on his return flight home to St. Louis. During his visit with Orville, throngs of people gathered on the lawns of the house, hoping for an impromptu view of this newest American hero. The unruly crowd dispersed only after Lindbergh and Orville appeared together on the front portico balcony for a few short minutes. Several years later, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and former Ohio Governor James Middleton Cox stopped at Hawthorn Hill to pick up Orville for a joint visit to Wright Field.
Even after Orville’s death in 1948, the mansion continued to welcome individuals from across the country and around the world. When efforts to find an individual to purchase the home failed, the executors of Orville’s estate listed the property on the real estate market. The National Cash Register Company, at the direction of executives Colonel Edward Deeds and Stanley Allyn, purchased the property on the very day that the “For Sale” sign was placed in the yard. NCR meticulously cared for the home during its nearly 60 years of service as a corporate guest house. The company returned the property to the Wright family in 2006.
Tours of the Wright home,Hawthorn Hill, will be conducted on Wednesdays and Saturdays for those who have made advance, prepaid reservations. Tours will depart Carillon Historical Park via shuttle van promptly at 10:00 and 12:30. This unique experience is sure to be popular and space is limited to no more than 10 visitors per tour. Don’t delay! Make your plans now to visit this National Historic Landmark. The regular ticket price is $12.00 per person. A special combination ticket for admission to both Carillon Historical Park and Hawthorn Hill is available for $15.00 per person. Dayton History members receive a discounted ticket price of $10.00 per person. Call Guest Services for additional information or to make your reservation: 937-293-2841 or toll-free at 1-877-BE-HISTORY
Escape the cold and the snow and enjoy an “Evening in the Islands” at the 18th Annual Artemis Center Gala on Saturday, Feb. 23, at The Dayton Marriott from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m.
The 2008 Gala features live music from the band CoCoNuts, dinner, dancing, a silent auction and live auction. Beach bums and parrotheads are encouraged to attend. Corporate sponsorship opportunities are available. Individual tickets are $125. Attire is semi-formal. Sponsors for the event include lead sponsor, National City Bank and co-sponsors Vectren, WHIO-TV and the Dayton Business Journal.
Money raised from the Gala supports the adult and children’s programs at Artemis Center. “This is our largest fundraiser and provides critical operating dollars for Artemis Center. We are so fortunate that the community sees the need and has continued to support this event for almost 20 years. We truly appreciate National City’s ongoing support and partnership again this year,” said Patti Schwarztrauber, executive director of Artemis Center.
National City is the lead corporate sponsor for the gala. “National City is proud to again sponsor this wonderful event to benefit Artemis Center,” says Jim Hoehn, President and CEO of National City Bank Southwest Ohio.
“Artemis – like National City – believes in doing what’s right for the community it serves. The services they provide to victims of domestic violence make the Miami Valley a safer place to live and work.”
The mission statement of Artemis Center is Leading The Community in its Commitment to End Domestic Violence. Since 1985, Artemis Center has served more than 60,000 victims of domestic violence in this community by providing advocacy, hotline, court accompaniment, children’s therapy and other services designed to help victims and their children stay safe from violence in their homes.
For tickets or event information, contact Artemis Center at (937) 531-5709.
Tom Batiuk, award winning and acclaimed creator of Funky Winkerbean, the celebrated comic strip which appears in 400 newspapers nationwide, will be the featured guest at “a Wear Affair”, a luncheon and fashion show to be held at noon on Saturday, Feb. 23 at the Mandalay Banquet Center, 2700 East River Road in Dayton. Doors open at 10:30 a.m. Proceeds will benefit The Noble Circle Project for Women Surviving Cancer.
Batiuk will be signing copies of his new book, Lisa’s Story: The Other Shoe. The collection of comic strips features one of the central character’s initial battle with breast cancer and the final series that examined her struggle with the disease and its outcome. The bold yet sensitive approach to a real-life issue garnered international acclaim.
Jean E. Farkas, President of the Wellness Connection of the Dayton Region, will be awarded the Noble Award in the Healing Arts for her commitment to meeting the health and wellness needs of those affected by cancer, including the women of The Noble Circle Project. She has over 30 years experience in creating, implementing and administering health and wellness programs. Her efforts have had a major impact on cancer prevention and screening and the embracement of complementary health methods in Dayton.
Cancer survivors who are participants in The Noble Circle Project will model fashions from Get Dressed! in Oakwood and The Secret Ingredient, Inc. in Kettering. Jewelry is by Van Galz. OHS alumna Kim Faris from WLQT/Lite 99.9 radio will serve as the event’s host and Holly Campbell-Bradley will be the fashion commentator.
The individual ticket price for the event is $50 and a reserved table of 10 is $600. Reservations will be accepted until Saturday, February 9. For reservation information call 937-429-4867 or go to www.noblecircle.org.
Sponsored by the American Association of Retired Persons, this tax preparation is free and open to any older adult in the area. Volunteer tax counselors receive extensive training in the correct preparation for all types of tax returns. Appointments are required, the tax payer should bring their 2006, and all forms received in reference to their 2006 return with them. Call 298-0775 after you received all 2007 tax documents to make your appointment. Appointments are Tuesdays 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, and 11: 00 A.M. and Wednesdays 9:00, 10:00, and 11:00 A.M., February 5-March 26, 2008.
A personal safety empowerment clinic for females ages 11 and up. This is a must for those graduating seniors heading off to a college campus in the fall. Make it a mother/daughter night out. Oakwood Public Safety officer Glen Evans will help females have fun while discovering personal safety and self defense skills. Increase your awareness and avoid danger and have a plan to deal with bad people. Advanced registration is required. The clinic will meet at the OCC on Tuesday, Feb. 5, 7– 9 p.m.
Each winter break the OCC and OJHS Student Council co-sponsor a ski trip to Mad River Mountain for OJHS students. Join your friends and classmates on the slopes. Never skied before…..no problems we have arranged for group lessons for the beginners. Register now at the OCC. Seats are limited on the bus. A chartered coach will leave from the school at 8:15 a.m. and return to the OCC at approximately 7 p.m. All other schools are in session so until mid afternoon it is like having a ski resort to just our students. Registration deadline is Feb. 13.
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