About The Oakwood Register
The Oakwood Register is published by The Winkler Company every WEDNESDAY and delivered by carriers to each home in Oakwood and many businesses throughout the community and surrounding area.
The Oakwood Register is the independent voice
of the Oakwood community!
The Oakwood Register is delivered to 4,800 households in Oakwood and some in Patterson Park. An additional 1,400 papers are dropped at 60+ locations including bookstores, libraries, public buildings, and other businesses in and around Oakwood including UD area, Oregon District, Kettering and Washington Township.
Total circulation is 6,000 with a surveyed readership of 18,000 including website.
Editorial Policy
The Oakwood Register welcomes all community news, story requests, letters to the editor, and photos. Please submit via email (preferred method), via US mail or in person.
The Oakwood Register
Attn: Brian Barr
435 Patterson Rd.
Dayton, OH 45419
Email your news...
News, story requests, letters to the editor,
and photo submissions to Brian Barr:
Classified ads and service directory ads to:
Other Big news...
For Engagement and Wedding Announcements you may
use the below forms as a guideline or write your own version:
Engagement form:
Announcement form
Wedding form:
Announcement form
SEND VIA US MAIL - Click on the appropriate announcement above for a printable PDF form. Submit form or written announcement along with a photo via US mail. Enclose a SASE if photograph is to be returned by US mail.
SEND VIA EMAIL - Send announcement (using forms as guidelines) along with a photo to announcements@oakwoodregister.com.
Birth, Anniversary, Retirement Announcements are also welcome! Submit all announcements to announcements@oakwoodregister.com.
For Obituaries please submit to obituaries@oakwoodregister.com
There is a $60 charge for announcements and obituaries. please submit by monday - 1 pm
The Oakwood Register reserves the right to edit submitted material.
Monday - 1 pm
Advertising Deadlines
Space reservation
Thursday - 1 pm
ad copy changes
Friday - 1 pm
the oakwood register is pOSTED ONLINE AND DISTRIBUTED on

One Year $99.00
Half Year $59.00
Please call 937-294-2662
or email subscription@oakwoodregister.com
with questions regarding mailed subscriptions.
Copyright by The Winkler Company. All rights reserved. Reproduction
or use, without permission, of editorial or pictorial content is prohibited.