Also featuring photos from our monthly supplement...

'Round town will resume soon...

The following is the May 19th 'Round Town:

Tuesday a ‘Memorial Tribute Concert’ was held for Charles Wendelken-Wilson, former Conductor or the Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra, at the Schuster Performing Arts Center. There was a ‘full house’ in the auditorium – and a super-filled stage with the entire ‘Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra – and – the Miami Valley Philharmonic Orchestra – and two Conductors! Neil Gittleman of the DPO and Ken Kohlenberg of the MVSO!

“Favorites’ of Charles Wendelken-Wilson were played by this biggest ‘n best orchestra – Bernstein, Beethoven, Beck, Mozart, Shostakovich, Bizet, Verdi. The two Conductors alternated as directors to a thrilled audience. And, the final selection of the afternoon was Sousa’s “The Stars and Stripes Forever” - with NO conductor. “This was CWW’s most favorite selection – and he will be conducting!” Goose-bumps-and-tears were supplied by the attendees!

Soloists included Renee Franck Reed, Stan Garber, Madelon Kinzig, Alice Hotopp, and David Michael.

Speakers, with a two-minute-time allotment, included Richard Chenoweth, Charles Pagnard, Michael Jaffe, Burt Saidel, Moira Levant, Mariann Hunt, Thomas Bankston, and Georgie Woessner.

Lorenz Warwar and a good friend had dinner at ‘Geez’ Wednesday. The place was as fun and busy as usual – and the pop-corn-machine was well attended.

Sally and John Fisher were there with an out-of-town-guest – Sally Coleman Crawford. Sally’s a native-born-n-breed and was visiting her sister Pat Sheridan. “I’ll call you the next time I’m in town,”promised Sally.

Thursday was opening night for “Titanic, The Musical” at Wright State University. When Chair. of the Performing Arts Department at WSU, Stuart McDowell – an Oakwood-ite, came on stage to introduce the production he asked: “Why stage a musicale about a big ship that hit an iceberg in the North Atlantic 97 years ago killing more than 3⁄4’s of it’s 2,200 passengers? One reason is ‘Titanic’ is a classic ‘book musical’ like they don’t make anymore. It has a number of first rate characters with fine solos and duets, and features first-rate choral pieces…that give our students a unique opportunity to experience. Doing research to mount this production we found there’s more truth than fiction in this Yeston-Stone score. There are 35 cast members on stage, 8 ‘pit singers’, and understudies – all are on stage at the finale.

“And so now we are given the immense privilege of sharing the result of our research and rehearsals with you in mounting this production – perhaps the biggest show WSU Theatre has done in my 15 years as Chair. and Artistic Director.”

The Set Designer, Don David put the audience ‘…at sea in a life boat and gave the audience the sensation of ‘rough waves’ that was absolutely convincing!

Dayton Dance Group met at Moraine Country Club on Friday evening. And, as usual, there were private cocktail parties preceding the dinner and dance at Moraine. Marty & Bob Wind had friends at their home – Nancy & Tom Gillaugh, Marty & Fred Ohmer, and Dotty Bachus & Joe Acito.

It was a record turn-out at the Club - for members are now home from Florida or points West. Lynn & Sergio Alejandrino, Art & Jean Bok, Mary & Blitz Creager, Byron & Connie Epley, Gini Hess, Jim & Donece Sheridan, and Tom & Dottie Kemp were in attendance.

John & Jane Mitakides, Wayne & Betty Morse, Ken & Angela Pohl, and Bill & Lorrie Quinlivan, and Harold & Cherriann Requarth, and Jim & Rena Roberts – who are really ‘pros’ on the dance floor. And the music was great – Hal Harris and his group.

Kent & Wendy Scholl were on the dance floor – along with Charles & Ann Simms, and Roger & Lois Sutherland, and Jim & Karen Tinney.

The Bach Society of Dayton met Sunday afternoon at the Kettering Adventist Church on Stonebridge Road. Their final program of the 2008-2009 season was ‘Israel in Egypt’ – a sacred oratorio by George Frideric Handel. The pre-concert lecture was exciting. It was entitled “Did Handel Get It Right?” Rabbi Judy Chessin of Temple Beth Or in Dayton was dynamic and dramatic. Her lecture could have been sub-titled: “The Handel Scandal”. Her tracing of Old Testament various accounts of the Jewish flight from Egypt were fascinating. And so were questions from the audience – from Burt Saidel, and Dr. Ben Schuster, and others.

Rabbi Chessin brought an ancient scroll that had been passed down to her father. It was of great interest to attendees. Many had never seen such a ‘treasure’ up close and personal.

The concert was held in the sanctuary. Margaret Karns, president of the Society welcomed the audience. John Neely, conductor, introduced the soloists – Jennifer Gilchrist, Deborah Martin, Steven Richards, Tony Burdette, Joshua Zink, and Mark Spencer.

Macy Janney, Dede & Jack Longstreth and Pam Karras were among the enthusiastic audience.

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May 26, 2009
Volume 18, No. 21

front page
'round town



















The Oakwood Register
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