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OHS - Washington D.C. huddle

Above is a photo from the Washington, DC inaugural trip and these Oakwood High School students huddled together to stay warm while waiting for six hours outside. Pictured is Christina Borchers, Lyndsay Seery,
Samantha Warwar, and Meredith Livingston.



Pictured above is Candace Carlson with her horse Distarte, at the conclusion of marching in the Presidential Inaugural Parade in Washington, D.C. last Tuesday. She is a member of the Southern Ohio Ladies Aside, one of 11 equestrian organizations that were selected to ride in the parade. The club distinguishes itself by the practice that all ladies in the group ride their horses sidesaddle. Their riding costumes are patterned after Civil War uniforms. A total of 18 members rode in the parade. Members come from not just southern Ohio, but also hail from Minnesota, Tennessee, Georgia, Virginia, New Hampshire and Illinois.


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